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Site specific installation,

carved natural stone on the shore of Ireland spelling ΞΕΡΩ [ˈk͡se̞ro̞] Greek for KNOW


The place demanded attention, rather than offering inspiration. It felt like being taught and taunted by my surroundings, rather than being overwhelmed by their sublimity. It was in the lack of landscape that I found my art in Cill Rialaig. And it was the fear of the dark that brought it along, the not knowing of where I was stepping, and where that sound came from. During the night that place was mocking me and during the day I was marking its granite underbelly. I chiselled a word on a cliff by the sea. The word ΞΕΡΩ, means I know. The work is a tombstone, a tombstone to cognition, a tombstone to my naivety and to my arrogance, because in fact, I know nothing.



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